Acupuncture for eye inflammation may not be something a lot of people would think could be a solution. However, a study conducted by researchers at the University of Vienna has reported the results of a small trial of Acupuncture being used to treat uveitis.
Uveitis is an inflammation of the uvea. The uvea is one of the layers of tissue within the eye. Inflammation of this area can cause pain, and blurred vision, and if left untreated, it may even lead to blindness.
In the Vienna research study, some patients with recurrent uveitis (eye inflammation) were successfully treated with Acupuncture.
The level of inflammation within the eye, before and after treatment, was checked by a laser instrument. according to a small study. The pain and inflammation of uveitis are much reduced by Acupuncture in this study.
All of the patients treated with Acupuncture reported a decrease in eye pain following their Acupuncture treatments. Also noted was that their visual acuity was increased after the Acupuncture treatments. The study also showed that there was an increase in the time the patients remained free of the condition.
The Vienna study was a small one, but did show that Acupuncture is potentially a very useful treatment for uveitis. Reports are that there are other research groups who will be conducting their own similar studies for the same condition so a larger sampling of patients can be evaluated.
Acupuncture has many uses and can help treat a wide range of health problems.
Call us at Acupuncture Alternatives to schedule your appointment – 480-671-5178.